Bill Woodburn
Bill Woodburn is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Marriage & Family Therapist with over 30 years' experience helping people find healing in their family and work groups. He has consulted with a wide variety of organizations, from dental practices to large corporations, and presented at national dental and professional conferences. His teaching style combines an off-beat sense of humor with lively stories and creative interactions.
With R.L. Frazer & Associates, he consults on human dynamics, especially complex social systems. Bill shares his insights as a key presenter and facilitator in the nationally acclaimed Emotional Intelligence workshops. He is also involved with coaching clients to help clarify relationship issues and highlight social dynamics that can block progress and frustrate planning.
Bill's deep knowledge of human interactions provides a strong foundation to Emotional Intelligence workshops, performance coaching, and strategic planning. Having a skilled professional counselor as part of our team gives us a perspective, insights, and abilities well beyond most consulting and coaching firms, plus our clients quickly come to value Bill’s knowledge, help, and sense of humor.
M.Ed., Counseling, East Tennessee State University