(512) 346-0455

ASP Retreat I

Mission Possible: A clear personal and professional vision, defined core values, and a compelling mission are required for success.

During this three-day retreat, you will disconnect from everyday busyness and connect with other doctors and spouses/so's attending. We will further assess where you are today, identify if this is really where you are meant to be, explore your biography, and clarify what your best destiny really is...if it were the best it can be.

“We cannot control the future; however, ASP allows you to get into creative cooperation with your best possible future.”

We will start with an overview of principle-centered, values-based Applied Strategic Planning (ASP). By learning the powerful ASP process, you will create a clear and inspiring vision of your best possible future, personally and professionally. We will assist you in crafting a functional personal mission and set of guiding core values. Plus, you will immediately begin to draft meaningful, attainable goals and objectives.

As a huge added benefit, you will increase your understanding of your partner’s hopes and dreams for their own and your shared future. Plus, you will learn principles of Steward leadership for you and Stewardship for your team—forging greater ownership and a more rewarding practice for all. The insightful information gained in this retreat and your new direction prepare you for Retreat II.

Cavern Hiker 2
ASP Retreat I


  • An inspiring and motivating personal vision.
  • Clear core values to guide you.
  • A functional personal mission statement.
  • Concrete personal goals and objectives to achieve your vision.
  • A deeper understanding of your partner(s) and team and how they fit into your new vision.
  • Learning values based, action-oriented ASP.
  • How to create a highly committed Steward Team.
  • How to prepare your team for the next retreat.

Who Should Participate:

Doctors/Professionals and their spouse or significant other. Each series is limited to eight doctors/professionals and a total of 16 people.

R.L. Frazer & Associates Faculty:

Dr. Bob Frazer, Dr. Jason Luchtefeld, Irene Oldfather, RDH, and Lisa Alvarado Frazer Steward Team

Visit our Calendar for upcoming course dates and registration information.

What Participants are Saying

I believe Applied Strategic Planning is a most valuable tool for practice development and team building. After all, I am back for a 3rd time, my 2nd with you. ASP has been an incredible tool for taking my practice from one level to the next. By working with my team to develop our personal visions and by sharing with one another, we build a foundation for creating a vision of our mutual future of choice. When such a group goes through this process of defining values and creating their vision, a very powerful sense of teamwork and mission is realized. This synergy has propelled my practice to new heights each time we have participated in the process. I cannot wait to see how quickly things change again. Thank you for creating such a great process for dentists to use in their practices.

Dr. Mark Kogut, Pediatric Practice
Dallas, TX

What Participants are Saying

I have to add my name to the list of those who sing your praise! The two-year experience of working with you on Applied Strategic Planning has been one of the truly great experiences of my time in dentistry. I believe that one of the highest titles that can be given to an individual is "teacher". You certainly have the right to that title, and we deeply appreciate what you have taught us!

Dr. John S. Findley, President Elect of the American Dental Association, Past President of Dallas County Dental Society & Texas Dental Association
Dallas, TX

What Participants are Saying

I really enjoyed the camaraderie of the group, the sharing around the campfire, especially the personal daily experiences of each person. The planning, the guides, the food, the seminar were all super. It was an extra special gift to spend time with my son in such a special place (the Salmon River). I am ready for the next one, thanks again!

Dr. Robert Benzell, Accurate Dental Group
Lincroft, NJ

What Participants are Saying

I was impressed from the first moment you greeted us as we arrived after a day of travel ...I was impressed with your ability to translate your practical experience for the doctors and their teams ...One of the most significant benefits of thinking strategically is simplifying the process of determining goals, objectives and tactics. If a person learns nothing else from strategic thinking than how to ask the appropriate questions, they're on the right track. I believe the key selling point of Applied Strategic Planning is determining what is important and removing what isn't ...Bob, your passion for people and sharing wisdom is very inspiring ...meeting you and making a wonderful new friend has been a great experience for both of us.

Dave Sitz, Spouse, husband to Kathy Huber, DDS
Atlanta, GA

What Participants are Saying

Thanks for an exceptional presentation yesterday (to the Indianapolis Study Club)! Everyone thought it was terrific. More importantly, it has started everyone thinking and re-examining their possibilities. For me, our Thursday dinner and the Friday meeting have given me some important ideas to think about. It has been a very positive experience!

Dr. John Porter, Director, Indianapolis Study Club
Indianapolis, IN

What Participants are Saying

The overall Applied Strategic Planning Series was very positive and stimulating. Previous goal-setting seminars did not provide the tools to fully develop and implement a strategic plan. This process provided a new sense of excitement and clarity about where we are. It gave the team a sense of purpose about what we're trying to achieve. As a result of this process, our 21-year-old practice grew 25% in both gross and net the year after completing ASP.

Dr. Bill Estes, Lake Creek Parkway Dental
Austin, TX

What Participants are Saying

Linda and I are enjoying some of the fruits of Applied Strategic Planning. I would pass on to your new students that my office has been on fire since the retreats.It is occasionally three steps forward and one step backwards, but we are definitely heading in the right direction and my team is still practicing the lessons you taught us. Can't recommend any planning course I've heard of more than what you took us through.

Dr. Rick Chapman, DDS
Plano, TX

What Participants are Saying

“I have known Bob personally since the mid 1970's and have been a part of his Applied Strategic Planning series in the 90's and have continued to use Bob as a Mentor, being a part of his National Study Group for the past eight years. I can highly recommend him for his incredible expertise in helping you to Know and Truly Understand Yourself, Your Team and Your Personal Life. He has provided a web of intriguing ideas which have virtually transformed my life since I began working with him. And this is not to mention the people he has exposed me to, whom I would have never crossed paths with had I not known Bob. I place Bob at the same level as The Pankey Institute in changing the paradigms of my life and practice.” June 10, 2010

Dr. Matthew Steinberg, Restorative and Cosmetic Dentist
Austin, TX