(512) 346-0455


Phase II

Silence the distracting noise of the here and now … move toward your organization’s best possible future.

Contemplating desired outcomes is challenging in the midst of day-to-day busyness. Through a collaboratively determined series of three to five retreats designed expressly to help you focus on your future, you will gain a clear understanding of your organization's issues, opportunities, and potential, then see how to energize your organization to reach the results you desire.

Strategic Planning

Phase II: The Applied Strategic Planning Series

We cannot control the future; however, we can get in creative cooperation with that future to become the best we can be. Bob Frazer

During Phase II of the ASP Series, decision makers and stakeholders go through a tailored series of intensive and energizing retreats designed to clarify organizational vision, core values, mission, a strategic business model that includes internal analysis, environmental scan, goals, objectives, and integrated action plans. Through a deeper understanding of Applied Strategic Planning and its implementation, the committee will be able to envision where the organization could be in three to five years if it were the best it can be, develop an operational vision, and plan to actualize the vision.

ASP Phase II
ASP Phase II


  • A clear understanding of your organization's issues, opportunities, and potential.
  • A clear, comprehensive and inspiring vision toward your best future.
  • Clarification of your Core Values – non-negotiable guiding principles.
  • Determine and better serve your primary and secondary customers.
  • Broad stakeholder input and buy-in through our unique Shadow Team process.
  • A concrete action-based plan offering direction to a successful future.
  • Greater Alignment throughout your organization.
  • Clear instructions and support for the completion of your ASP before Phase III.
  • Development of a Balanced Scorecard to monitor, course correct, and get results.
  • Learn to employ the best technology to monitor and support your ASP.

Who Should Participate:

All designated members of the ASP committee attend the retreats. Your staff and stakeholder size will help determine the size of the ASP committee. Generally, we suggest 11 to 21 members. Our general recommendation is that those who can make it happen and all those who could keep it from happening should participate.

Phase II ASP