(512) 346-0455


ASP leads to successful action and results.

This phase involves the refinement and presentation of the ASP. Once your strategic plan is approved, swift implementation is critical. During Phase III, we are available to support your course of action on a variety of leadership levels as you deem necessary.

Strategic Planning

Phase III: ASP Implementation

Upon completion of the Applied Strategic Plan, we can assist with the presentation of your plan to the rest of your organization as well as the ratification and actualization. In this phase, we are available to help you with monitoring, refinement of your Balanced Score Card, and drafting a new Strategic Architecture that may be needed to best actualize the plan.


  • Alignment of your people with each other and the Applied Strategic Plan.
  • Greater fulfillment of the people doing the work.
  • A clear, consensus vison of the best we can be and an action plan to get there.
  • Elevated perceived value for your services or products among your target market.
  • Clarity of what, who, resources needed, how, and when of specific actions.
  • Development of your WHY and a Tagline that is powerful, original, unique, accurately and clearly expresses the benefits of doing business with you that powerfully appeals to your target customers.
  • Organization-wide acceptance, ownership and support of your new plan.
  • Support in monitoring and actualizing the powerful plan you have ceated.

Who Should Participate:

All those who can make the plan happen or keep it from happening.

What Participants are Saying

Applied Strategic Planning has been the most beneficial investment of time, energy and money we have ever made! Without it, I can't imagine what the future might look like. This powerful process and your leadership brought clarity to who we are, what we want to be and how to go about getting there. It made us create our future on purpose rather than just letting it happen. It focused us on a target and plan. At the same time it brought energy, enthusiasm, commitment and ownership to all participants. The words "Thank You" are not strong enough for all you have done for us!

Joan Forrest, Executive Director, Dawson Center for the Advancement of Dentistry
St Petersburg, FL

What Participants are Saying

The Salmon River Float Trip & Seminar were done with your usual excellence, Frazer. We had a lot of fun, while learning and relaxing. My wife, Ann, considers it one of the best vacations we've ever taken! We will definitely join you again soon.

Dr. Charles Vogel, General Dentist, Heard, Heard and Vogel
Springfield, MO

What Participants are Saying

Bob, I need to thank you again for what you did for Sandy, me, and my practice some 16 years ago. I have achieved the practice of my dreams, and it was because of Applied Strategic Planning, your wisdom and guidance. Thank you is not enough. You will forever be my hero!

Dr. Vic Feld, General and Cosmetic Dentist
Irvine, CA

What Participants are Saying

Years before Lucy & I attended your Applied Strategic Planning seminar you had been instrumental in helping me change my office from one in which I was a benevolent dictator to one in which everyone played a role in planning and carrying out shared visions and goals. The ASP Series gave Lucy & me the tools to complete the very important transition to retirement. It really took work to achieve our goals as we proceeded into retiring. Your whole process in the seminar truly guided us each step of the way and for this I will always been indebted to you. My office was truly grateful also. I wanted this to be a win-win-win situation for Lucy & me, for my staff (as many had been with me 25 – 30 yrs) and finally, for my patients. Your ASP Series was vital in me achieving these three goals.

Dr. L. K. Croft, Periodontist
Boerne, TX

What Participants are Saying

Since I had not experienced the 'vision' aspect (of Applied Strategic Planning) before, I found this to be the most helpful in determining what I want to do with the next 40 years. Articulating and writing down vision then mission really helped me get balance into my life which was one of my original reasons for attending the retreats. Vision, personal mission, and leadership information was most meaningful. The team enjoyed the visualization process and symbols and their meaning. For the office, getting a clear mission statement done and being able to refer back to it and hire new people was most helpful.

Dr. Carol Summerhays, Carol Gomez Summerhays DDS & Associates
San Diego, CA

What Participants are Saying

I really enjoyed the camaraderie of the group, the sharing around the campfire, especially the personal daily experiences of each person. The planning, the guides, the food, the seminar were all super. It was an extra special gift to spend time with my son in such a special place (the Salmon River). I am ready for the next one, thanks again!

Dr. Robert Benzell, Accurate Dental Group
Lincroft, NJ

What Participants are Saying

For me, the overall A.S.P. Series was a process that was long overdue for the USA Section. As I stated at Retreat II, this planning technique was entirely different from the others I was involved with. With our continued diligence, I have great faith that this will be of enormous benefit to the Section. In addition, it was a great learning experience for me personally. I believe this will make a difference to me in my practice and in the way I conduct my life.

My involvement in the Environmental Scan was most meaningful part from the retreats. Such work! However, what I learned about everything that will have an effect on the College, the profession of dentistry, and me personally was incredible. That and working with such an energetic, professional committee was a great reward.

For the College, this process set an agenda with a mission and goals for us to proceed in a productive and efficient manner. As we proceed, the Section should gradually strengthen and rise in prestige and influence. For me personally, it helped me to align and realign my life’s priorities. Professionally, it became a method of reexamining the way I conduct my practice and my professional goals.

The first retreat was a great intro to the ASP process and how it differed from other SP processes. It tied together the books we had read by Covey and Sinek, as well as the Organizational Health Survey and other resources you provided us to make sense of what we were going to do and to inspire us to exert the energy to get it done. The Values audit helped us define our core values and how to create a new Mission for the Section.

As we proceeded from the first retreat forward, it was exciting to take all our work and formulate a strategic business model, and then the integrated action plans to give us an actual roadmap and timetable for achieving our goals.

Thanks, Bob, for a wonderful life experience. I believe it will be valuable for the Section and for me personally.

Curtis Johnson, DDS, International College of Dentists

What Participants are Saying

The Applied Strategic Planning process was extremely rewarding to me. The sessions helped me on the journey toward more effective leadership and caused me to realize that more growth is needed. You are to be commended for the excellent way that you worked with us, bringing out our best and correcting us when needed. You role modeled many valuable leadership skills. I learned how to better interact with others and express appreciation more often. I also gained considerable knowledge regarding the full scope of strategic planning, how to listen more effectively, and how to focus planning efforts into a coordinated plan. Your focus upon what is important in relation to God, family and relationships was most appropriate and contributes immeasurably to your success as a person and leader. Thank you again for your wonderful example of leadership. You have much to offer.

Dr. Charles Goodacre, Dean, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Loma Linda, CA